by Hugues Villeneuve | Nov 15, 2022 | Videos
IV Certification Video What does it take to obtain IV certification? How does it vary from state to state? Why choose online IV certification over a traditional class? Learn the answers to these questions and more as we take a moment to review, What is Online IV...
by Hugues Villeneuve | Oct 7, 2022 | Presentations
The Three Types of Hydration Therapy Fullscreen Mode Some healthcare concepts may sound like scientific jargon, but they actually save lives. That’s the case with hydration therapy. Check out the different types of hydrating solutions and when to use them. Which...
by Hugues Villeneuve | Sep 30, 2022 | Presentations
5 Steps for Safe IV Insertion Fullscreen Mode While you were in nursing school, did you fully master IV insertion? I know I didn’t. It took me a lot of continuing education and practice to attain real proficiency in this vital skill. Administering fluids and...
by Hugues Villeneuve | Aug 19, 2022 | Articles
A Brief Guide To Best Practices in IV Push Administration Administering IV push medication is one of the most performed activities by nurses. Yet it’s also a practice in which many professionals feel unsure. Even though education and training have never been as...
by Hugues Villeneuve | Aug 12, 2022 | Articles
Skilled Nursing Facilities Can Emerge Stronger From Rising Pressures Skilled Nursing Facilities have been facing great challenges.Threats to these organizations include the growth trend of home health care, staffing difficulties, and even population decline. Most...